The Gift of Time

Here we are, it's March 16th, 2020, and we are living in extraordinary times. It's amazing to see how our modern world can be stopped by something we cannot see with the naked eye.

People around the world are being told to stay home and self quarantine. For many, this is a confusing and depressing time. Our world has become so fast paced that we often forget how to slow down. Our lives are just rushing by.

If you are an artist, I challenge you to take advantage of this gift of time we now have. All those projects you meant to get to when you had the time, well, the time is now. Instead of sitting there wondering what is going to happen tomorrow, get to work today!

Every artist seems to fantasize about taking an artist's retreat someday. You have been given an unprecedented gift of time now to work on your art:

Compose that song.
Write that book.
Paint that painting.
Design that dance.
And on and on.

And all those things you wanted to learn, like using that new software, or some other new skill, now is the time. If you focus on your art, you can come out of this better than when things shut down.

Do those other things you meant to do too, like exercise, yoga, meditation, eating better—all those things you have kept telling yourself, “Some day.”

This is your long awaited artist's retreat. If this crisis lasts 8 weeks, that's 1,344 hours of your life that you have available to work on your art and yourself. Choose wisely.

Being an artist means not numbering or counting, but ripening like a tree, which doesn't force its sap, standing confidently in storms, not afraid that summer may not come. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

~ MB

“All art is at once surface and symbol.” ~Oscar Wilde

Over the past 9 years and 3 different blogs, I've written almost 500 blog posts. That's a lot of my time and energy devoted to putting my thoughts and ideas out there on the internet for you to read. If you've enjoyed reading them, and have gotten value out of them, please consider a donation. You'll be helping me keep writing for hopefully another 9 years. Thank You ~ MB.


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