Art and Spiritual Practice As Self-Care

There is something both nourishing and grounding about doing your art. Most of what we do in life, like a job, is an outside expression of our lives. Our art is different, in that it comes from inside of us. It is an expression of who we are.

I look at the time I work on my art as a special time. Writing this blog is special to me. It is time alone, time with my thoughts, time being able to express what I think. The same with my music. Every time I am writing, playing music, composing, recording, teaching, etc, it is a very deep expression of who I am.

It's easy to get caught up in life and the world, and put off getting into your studio: “I have more important things to do.” But is there really anything more important than YOU? I notice that when I'm not able to do these things, I get cranky and out of sorts. So I look at them as being necessary self-care

I think it's sometimes difficult to make our art a regular practice because, for most of us, it's probably not a 9-5 regularly scheduled activity. Art and creativity often have the luxury of not being bound by the standard job clock, but that can present it's own problems. One thing we need to do is to make it a priority to work on our art everyday. And again, I see that work as self-care.

I look at the time I spend working on my art as being sacred. It's a special time for me, and me alone. It's time when I can stretch out my brain, my thoughts, and delve deeply into what it means to be me. 
Apart from the religious aspects, Merriam-Webster defines sacred in 2 other ways:
1) entitled to reverence and respect. 
2) highly valued and important. 
I see these as applying to both the art and the artist.

It's important to set aside time to be creative and work on our art. And just like a 9-5 job, our art is a real job. It has meaning. It needs to be respected by others. If you have to lock the door and/or turn off your phone, in order to not be disturbed, then so be it. This is not selfish, but rather self-care

If you don't take care of yourself and your art, who will?

~ MB


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