Moving Beyond Boundaries

We can't help but be a product of our upbringing, of our influences, and of the things we find enjoyable. I know for all of my musical endeavors that I am a sort of focal point for the things I have encountered over my life. You can find that with any artist. You can't be what you're not, unless you are seeking some artificial commercial success (some people call this selling out ). The Scope of All Things For me, everything is focused through the lens of being a musician/percussionist, as well as a writer. While for the past 40 years I'm mostly self-taught ( autodidact for you Europeans reading this) in both music and writing, my younger years in high school and university were filled with intense studying with a variety of teachers that gave me a solid foundation to build from. I still study today, but in a much broader context. My study in music is not limited to percussion, but encompasses many other fields that ultimately inf...